Monday 16 January 2012

Main Article: First Draft

Phases, the blues rock trio who bring a new life to rock on new album, " come from Camden, London, which is where we find the lead singer, Alexis Jenkins. Despite the success of their debut, there is still an unease about her presence. It is clear that Phases still aren't comfortable with all the hype that has builded over the past year, they obviously still haven't got used to the attention. They seem unaware of how successful they could be: " When we were recording songs in Johnny's apartment and performing in local pubs to about ten people, to people who didn't understand why we wanted to be part of a band, not one of us realised how quickly we would spring up into the limelight.", says Alexis. The success of the band has overwhelmed Phases, it has all come at once as Alexis states, "It just all seemed to click and everything just came together for the band. We've had an extremely hectic year, but we've loved every minute of it.".
   Phases have definately come a long way since the early days of their career spent playing to people who didn't appreciate what they were doing, however, is seems worth it as they are now a well recognozised band for the fans of alternative/underground scene. The gritty sound of their debut, has now transformed into a more mature sounding record, with the help of their new producer, Danger Mouse.  Alexis explains how they came to work with him: "We were in the studio, as was he at the time, and heard some of our demos. He said he'd love to work with us, and we jumped at the chance! He was also currently working with The Black Keys at the time, who we are all huge fans of. It just felt like too good an oppurtunity to turn down.".
  "We didn't want to make an album that everyone expected of us, and didn't want to be the band that kept doing the same thing, album after album.", and this they certainly haven't. With the addition of Danger Mouse, Phases have created their best album yet. "We were proud of our first album, but we knew we could push our ideas and our sound further.". It is obvious that Phases know in their own mind what they wanted to achieve, and they definately know what they're doing, and this is definately working.
   This blues infuzed guitar sound has made them a huge contender for some of the best music of 2011. Supporting Arcade Fire on their current UK tour is just one step closer to bringing them huge amounts of populatity, and seeing what they can do on just their second album, they have a long road ahead of them yet.  

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