Wednesday 7 December 2011

More Front Cover Analysis

Before drawing some rough drafts of my own, I thought I would analyse more music magazine covers which are more relevant in terms of how I plan to make mine. I have decided to have two people on my own cover, and so have looked at a number of magazine covers which have done the same.

The thing I particularly like about this magazine cover is the fact that all the sell lines are found on the one side of the magazine which gives it a simplistic design in which I think is very effective. I also like the colour chose here, and also the fact that they have chosen to stick to just a few colours. This makes the magazine look quite sophistic as there isn't too much going in on.

This cover has a similar image to the previous one, but just more close - up, which is just as strong. I like to use of the deep pink as I think this is very effective against the grey shadowing of the background. I like the grid structure of the sell lines, with it not cutting into the faces of the cover artists, again choosing a limited amount of colours.

I like the simplistic design of both, which I think would best suit my magazine cover.

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