Monday 21 November 2011

Music Magazine Cover Analysis

The main thing I liked about this particular magazine cover was the main image. I liked the composition and the way in which the band are arranged on the page. I like the overall colour scheme of this magazine cover, with the red and blue catching your attention and then the choice to use white in order for the text to stand out against the image. The main headline is situated through the centre which is effective as it emphasises the fact it is the main/most important article.

The masthead of this magazine takes up quite a large amount of the cover which I like as it is made very obvious to the readers that this is a Q magazine, putting their 'label' on it. I also like the use of the white background here as it allows the focus to be on the image and sell lines etc. I particularly like the grid structure with the sell lines down the sides of the cover. The image is very central, and so this becomes the focus with the sell lines working around the image. Another thing I thought was effective was the fact that the depth of the text varies between each word. This is effective yet done in a subtle way which I like, it doesn't look overdone, and more professional. The overall colour scheme works well.

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