Tuesday 4 October 2011


1.     Are you:

·         Male
·         Female

2.     What key stage are you in?
·         KS3
·         KS4
·         KS5

3.       Who do you think the magazine should be targeted towards?
·         KS3
·         KS4
·         KS5
·         Whole School
·         Teachers/ Staff
·         Parents

4.      Would you be interested in buying a school magazine?
·         Yes
·         No (If so, please state why)

5.      If you answered no, what would make you more likely to buy a school magazine?

6.      Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
·         The Educator
·         JANGLE
·         The Reformer
·         The Founder
·         8

7.      Which of the following captions do you prefer?
·         News, Debate, Gossip.
·         The K.H.S Portal
·         Your weekly fix of news, debate and gossip.
·         King Henry’s Herald
·         The King Henry Express
·         The KHS Observer
·         The KHS Update
·         Welcome to KHS

8.      How often do you think the magazine should be produced?
·         Daily
·         Weekly
·         Fortnightly
·         Monthly

9.      What colours would you like to see make up the colour scheme of the magazine?
·         Black
·         Blue
·         Green
·         Red
·         Orange
·         Yellow
·         Purple
·         Pink
·         Gold
·         White
·         Other (please specify)

10.  What images would you want on the front cover of the magazine?
·         Pupils
·         Sixth Formers
·         Teachers
·         The School Site
·         Sports teams
·         Other (please specify)

11.  Which of the following stories/aspects would you like to see featured within the magazine?
Please choose five from the list below:
·         The new sixth form canteen
·         The next drama production – what’s been going on in rehearsals
·         Exam Success
·         Sporting success
·         Student debates
·         Student opinions
·         Upcoming events

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