Wednesday 12 October 2011

Chosen Front Cover Image

Photo Shoot Plan

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Use the following document to plan each of the photographs on the front cover of your school magazine.

Shoot date and time
    10th October 2011

Image Description

A medium shot of two sixth formers stood back to back.

Shoot Location

Upper School Hall, on the stage.

Model / person contact Details
        Keane Davies/ Alex Williams

Permission Details

       No props were used.

Plan of shots

The front cover is focused on who got the main part in the school musical, and so I plan to take a medium shot of two male sixth formers stood back to back. They will be on the stage in front of the stage curtain. I want their facial expression to show that they are battling for the lead role in the play. I want it to look theatrical but still appeal to the whole target audience.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Questionnaire Results

I asked a group of seven people, all of which were female, to answer a series of questions on their preferences for a school magazine. The majority of these, with five votes all said that they would be interested in buying a magazine; however the remaining two both said they would only be interested if the magazine was free.
   The most popular choice for the masthead was “JANGLE” with a strong five votes. One person chose “The Reformer”, and all other options weren’t chosen. When asked about the caption of the magazine, there was more variation between the different options. The most popular with two votes each, were “The K.H.S Portal” and “King Henry’s Herald”.  Other captions chosen were, “News, Debate, Gossip”, “The K.H.S Update” and “Your weekly fix of news, debate and gossip.” But these only had one vote each.
   Four of the people asked, thought the target audience for the magazine should be sixth formers, however two of these four also chose KS4. With three votes, some thought the magazine shouldn’t be restricted to one age group but should be for the whole school.  
    I also asked each of them what colours they associate with King Henry School in order to get an idea for the colour scheme for the magazine. The two most popular choices of colour were black with five votes and yellow with four votes. Green and gold had two votes each. The least popular colours were red, purple, pink and blue, each only with one vote.
   Given five votes for the main image for the front cover were sixth formers. Pupils in lower education were given two votes. Both the school site and sports teams were only given one vote each.
   Everyone who was asked would want information on upcoming events featured in the magazine. The next popular was news from the new drama production rehearsals with a strong six votes, along with student opinions. Other fairly popular choices were updates on student debates and information on the new school canteen with five votes each. Slightly less popular were student opinions with three votes, and the least popular was sporting success with just two votes. 


1.     Are you:

·         Male
·         Female

2.     What key stage are you in?
·         KS3
·         KS4
·         KS5

3.       Who do you think the magazine should be targeted towards?
·         KS3
·         KS4
·         KS5
·         Whole School
·         Teachers/ Staff
·         Parents

4.      Would you be interested in buying a school magazine?
·         Yes
·         No (If so, please state why)

5.      If you answered no, what would make you more likely to buy a school magazine?

6.      Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
·         The Educator
·         JANGLE
·         The Reformer
·         The Founder
·         8

7.      Which of the following captions do you prefer?
·         News, Debate, Gossip.
·         The K.H.S Portal
·         Your weekly fix of news, debate and gossip.
·         King Henry’s Herald
·         The King Henry Express
·         The KHS Observer
·         The KHS Update
·         Welcome to KHS

8.      How often do you think the magazine should be produced?
·         Daily
·         Weekly
·         Fortnightly
·         Monthly

9.      What colours would you like to see make up the colour scheme of the magazine?
·         Black
·         Blue
·         Green
·         Red
·         Orange
·         Yellow
·         Purple
·         Pink
·         Gold
·         White
·         Other (please specify)

10.  What images would you want on the front cover of the magazine?
·         Pupils
·         Sixth Formers
·         Teachers
·         The School Site
·         Sports teams
·         Other (please specify)

11.  Which of the following stories/aspects would you like to see featured within the magazine?
Please choose five from the list below:
·         The new sixth form canteen
·         The next drama production – what’s been going on in rehearsals
·         Exam Success
·         Sporting success
·         Student debates
·         Student opinions
·         Upcoming events