Sunday 26 February 2012

Double Spread Article So Far


Double Spread Images

Below are a series of photos I took for my double spread article:

Monday 20 February 2012

Contents Page Analysis

I have evaluated the contents pages from three different music magazines to get a feel of how they work in terms of layout, design and content.

This particular contents page is from NME. The first thing that stood out to me was the colour scheme, this is  very basic only using black and white. The minimal choices of colour makes the reader focus on the images, which draws their attention to a particular article. In regards to the images, it is clear that they are representing the more exciting and biggest features,or the articles that would appeal to the majority of it's readers. By doing this, their audience are more likely to buy the magazine.
   By each picture is a large number indicating the page number, making it clear and  simple for the reader to find what they are looking for. Under each image is a quote or  sell line giving the reader a glimmer of what to expect from the article. Although it does this to intrigue the reader, along with the images, the only thing I would negatively comment on the text all being in black. If the quotes or  sell lines were of a different colour the text would jump out more on the page. This may help in getting readers even more. Apart from this, I think this contents page is very effective. It still gives all the information to the reader effectively despite the simple design. People  may be more likely to pay attention if there is less going on in the page rather than being overloaded with too much.

This contents page has included their masthead at the top putting their label on the page as a 'Q' magazine and I also like the fact they have the image of the current magazine cover in the top right hand corner of the page.
Similar to NME, Q also uses images to draw attention to the biggest/ most popular articles and features, however it goes into more detail through text to elaborate further. Q have categorized the magazines content into sections making it easier for the reader to find what they need to more quickly. The fact that Q have used more colour, brings the page to life. Again just like NME, they have included the page numbers on the pictures, making it even easier for them to access the most popular, biggest features easily and quickly.

Again like Q, Mojo have put their label on the page by placing the masthead at the top of the page, which stands out. I like the use of the image covering the whole background of the page, and i think its very effective with it being in black and white. This allows the focus to remain on the text. This is another example of simplistic contents page that still works effectively. I like use of red text, as it stands out on the page.

Over the three contents  pages I have looked at I have noticed how they have all used the same colour scheme - red, black and white. They all use a limited amount of colour on the page so the focus isn't taken off the main purpose of a contents page. Also, they all use a range of images and text in order to get the information across to the reader as effectively as possible.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Edited front cover image

This is the final image for my cover now it has been edited:

Now I have a new image, I plan to change the overall colour scheme so it will be more appealing to the eye, as I know feel with this image I am able to do more with colour. Also, now the person in the image is more central to the image I feel it will be easier to see what works in terms of layout. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

New Front Cover Image

Here is the new image for the front cover of my magazine:

I plan to take away the background and place the image on either a white or grey background. I wanted an image that was striking yet natural at the same time.